
GitHub Action that creates a list of GitHub users with their SSO identity linked

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GitHub Users

GitHub Action that can create various list of users from GitHub

  • All known GitHub users with their linked SSO accounts
  • List of all external collaborators and who invited them

User list

Creates a markdown file with the list of all users of the enterprise.


GitHub Enterprise Users

# GitHub Login E-Mail
1 foo foo@octocat.com
2 bar bar@octocat.com


This action can be used in a workflow like this:

name: Create userlist

  # Every day at 07:00
    - cron: '0 7 * * *'

    name: "Create userlist"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Checkout the existing content of thre repository
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Run the deployment overview action
      - name: Github users
        uses: prodyna/github-users@v1.6
          # The action to run
          action: members
          # The GitHub Enterprise to query for repositories
          enterprise: octocat
          # The GitHub Token to use for authentication
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # The template file to use for rendering the result
          template-file: template/members.tpl
          # The markdown file to write the result to
          markdown-file: MEMBERS.md
          # Verbosity level, 0=info, 1=debug
          verbose: 1

      # Run the deployment overview action
      - name: Github users
        uses: prodyna/github-users@v1.6
          # The action to run
          action: collaborators
          # The GitHub Enterprise to query for repositories
          enterprise: octocat
          # The GitHub Token to use for authentication
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # The template file to use for rendering the result
          template-file: template/collaborators.tpl
          # The markdown file to write the result to
          markdown-file: COLLABORATORS.md
          # Verbosity level, 0=info, 1=debug
          verbose: 1

      # Push the generated files
      - name: Commit changes
        run: |
          git config --local user.email "darko@krizic.net"
          git config --local user.name "Deployment Overview"
          git add MEMBERS.md COLLABORATORS.md
          git commit -m "Add/update deployment overview"