
A magnolia cms light module to integrate with mailchimp

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Magnolia CMS light module to integrate with Mailchimp.

The mailchimp-connector directory is a light module that you can use in your project.

The module requires Magnolia DX Core. Tested with Magnolia CMS 6.2.17.

For this light integration the following techniques have been used:

Functionality Overview

The functionality contains the following:

  • Embedded sign-up form: The Mailchimp form to be added/embedded as a component in a page.

A content app that allows the user to manage campaigns and lists:

  • Create, update, delete campaigns and lists
  • Synchronize and schedule campaigns
  • Synchronize lists information
  • Batch import of new email accounts to a list

All data is originated from Mailchimp, so that makes Mailchimp the single source of truth. For this reason the synchronization functionality is used for Campaigns and Lists and the Mailchimp Status is used at the respective content apps.


  • A Mailchimp list resource REST Client is configured
  • A sign-up form component is configured in a way, that can be used to embed sign-up forms from your Mailchimp lists in pages


A Mailchimp account (Essentials pricing plan) with an active API key is required for this integration. For configuration of the Mailchimp account and generation of the API key refer to Mailchimp Documentation.

  • Download and install the light module in a DX Core instance

The module requires the following parameters configured as environmental variables available to your server:

Description Key Sample Value
Mailchimp Server Prefix MAILCHIMP_SERVER_PREFIX us10
Mailchimp Username. Any applicable value is acceptable. Use a custom value to distinguish between installations and/or assist during potential error tracking/troubleshooting when contacting Mailchimp support. MAILCHIMP_USERNAME public-1
The API key provided by Mailchimp. MAILCHIMP_API_KEY 0128901f0adc-us10

Additionally, you must set the magnolia.yaml.envsubst feature flag (JVM option) to true, in order for the variable values to be replaced. (Refer to Environment Variables)


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Sign-up Form Component

Import the component to your pages by using a custom decorator.

# /your-module/mailchimp-connector/templates/pages/your-page.yaml
        id: mailchimp-connector:components/signupForm/signupForm

Usage in signup form component Usage in signup form component Usage in signup form component

Tip: To modify the look & feel of your subscribe forms login to your Mailchimp account, navigate to Audiences and click on Sign-up Forms menu item.

Mailchimp Content App

A content app that contains two tabs, exist in the application. The tabs are Campaigns and Lists, that allow the user to perform some actions on the respective Mailchimp entity.

Campaigns Tab

The Campaigns tab, shows a list of Campaigns:

"Campaign Browser The following Actions are available:

  1. Import Campaigns From Mailchimp
  2. Add
  3. Edit
  4. Delete
  5. Sync to Mailchimp

For every Campaign, the following information is displayed:

  • Campaign ID
  • Title
  • Type (allowed types: plaintext/regular)
  • From
  • Subject
  • List ID
  • Schedule Date
  • Campaign Status
  • Sync Status (refer to Sync Mailchimp Status)

Action: Import Campaign

When the action Import Campaign From Mailchimp is selected, then a SubApp will open. The SubApp contains a list of Campaigns saved to Mailchimp. Import Campaign The confirm button will import this data from Mailchimp to JCR and the respective notification will be displayed. Import Campaign Notification

Action: Add/Edit Campaign

When selecting the Add/Edit Action, the user is prompted to fill the form with the following information. Add Campaign When the Confirm button is clicked, the form information is saved on JCR.

Action: Delete Campaign

When a Campaign is selected, the Delete action will remove it from the JCR. The respective notification will be displayed. Delete Campaign

Action: Sync to Mailchimp

This action synchronizes the local JCR data with Mailchimp.

Lists Tab

The Lists tab, shows a list of Lists(Audiences). List Browser The following Actions are available:

  1. Import Lists From Mailchimp
  2. Add
  3. Edit
  4. Delete
  5. Sync Status
  6. Import Audience

For every List(Audience), the following information is displayed:

Action: Import Lists

When the action Import Campaign From Mailchimp is selected, then a SubApp will open. The SubApp contains a list of Lists(Audiences) saved to Mailchimp. Import Lists The confirm button will import this data from Mailchimp to JCR and the respective notification will be displayed. Import Lists Notification

Action: Add/Edit List

When selecting the Add/Edit Action, the user is prompted to fill the form with the following information. Add List Add List When the Save Changes button is clicked, the form information is saved on JCR.

Action: Delete List

When a List is selected, the Delete action will remove it from the JCR. The respective notification will be displayed. Delete List

Action: Sync Status

This action synchronizes the local JCR data with Mailchimp.

Action: Import Audience

When the action is clicked, a new tab Import Audience is displayed.

Import Audience

The tab Import Audience allows the user to create a connection between (existing or new) CSV files of a specific format and a List of Mailchimp. Every item of the Import Audience shows this connection between CSV and List. After the connection has been created, the item can be selected in order the emails of the CSV to be imported to the specified Mailchimp List. Import Audience The following Actions are available:

  1. Create Import Audience Job (CSV) - visible when no items of the browser is clicked
  2. Execute Batch Subscribe - visible when one of the items of the browser is clicked

For every item of the Import Audience browser, the following information is displayed:

  • Import Name
  • List
  • CSV File
  • Status

Action: Create Import Audience Job (CSV)

When the action is clicked a new SubApp is displayed. The user can add the information of the form as shown below Create Batch Import

The Import Name must be unique. Additionally, the CSV file must have the correct format, as shown in the sample below (the header must be email_address and below must be the list of emails).

Sample CSV

Action: Execute Batch Subscribe

When an item of the browser is selected and the action is clicked, the content of the csv file is sent to Mailchimp in order to subscribe emails to the list.

Sync to Mailchimp Status

An important piece of information for Campaigns and List entities is the Sync Status. This information is visible on the Campaigns browser and the Lists browser and can have one of the following statuses:

  • Red: The JCR information of the selected item, does not exist in Mailchimp.
  • Yellow: The JCR information (previously imported from Mailchimp), has been modified. This information is not the same as the Mailchimp respective information.
  • Green: The JCR information of the selected item is the same as the Mailchimp respective information.