
C/C#/JavaScript/Python/Solidity kata done on codewars.

Primary LanguageC#


C/C#/JavaScript/Python kata done on codewars.

Kata are real code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving. Each kata is crafted for and by the community.

Each kata on the site is set to a Kyu/Dan rank, based on its subject area and difficulty. Every new Codewarrior (user) on Codewars starts being ranked as 8 Kyu.

  • 1kyu, 2kyu - Proficient
  • 3kyu, 4kyu - Competent
  • 5kyu, 6kyu - Novice
  • 7kyu, 8kyu - Beginner

My codewars account