
[SQL] - (G)Slade Query Language

Primary LanguageTypeScript

(G)SQL - (G)Slade Query Language

Query Structure

  • SELECT <subject> [WHERE <conditions>] - Select subjects
  • DESELECT <subject> [WHERE <conditions>] - Deselect subjects
  • UPDATE <subject> SET <key>=<value> [...<key>=<value>] [WHERE <conditions>] - Change properties
  • DELETE <subject> [WHERE <conditions>] - Delete subjects

Operators are case-insensitive, so you can type SELECT, select, SeLeCt or any variation. Property values are case-sensitive, so UPDATE lines SET textureTop1=Flat02 will set front upper texture to Flat02, not FLAT02.


  • vertexes
  • lines
  • sectors
  • things


Conditions have the following format: <key>=<value> and can be combined with AND, OR and NOT operators.

For example, SELECT vertexes WHERE x=32 OR x=64 OR x=128 or DELETE things WHERE x=32 AND y=64

Query Examples


  • select lines where index=3
  • select lines where id=3
  • select lines where textureMiddle=FLAT10
  • select vertexes where x=32 and y=10
  • select things where x=32 or x=64
  • deselect things


  • update lines set textureMiddle=FLAT09 where id=3
    • textureMiddle1 - front side, textureMiddle2 - back side, textureMiddle - both sides (any side)
  • update lines set textureMiddle1=FLAT09 where textureMiddle2=FLAT09
  • update things set type=16 y=10 where x=3
  • update sectors set textureCeiling=FLAT12 where textureFloor=FLAT12


  • delete things
  • delete things where type=1
  • delete things where not type=1
  • delete sectors where textureFloor=- and textureCeiling=-


  • count things where type=1
  • count lines


  • Support for OR & AND operators in WHERE block