This project provide the ADOxx library necessary to model and develop Cross-platform IoT Applications, following the X-IoT approach.
In particular this project include:
- the ABL Library necessary to model the IoT Application in a platform-indepenent view;
- the ADOScript required to refine the model following the necessity of the target IoT platform;
- The ADOScript required to export the information in JSON, XML or CSV files;
- a demo model in adl format containing some pre-created files with the required information.
The X-IoT library provides internally all the scripts mentioned above.
To properly download and install the ADOxx platform please refer to the official website After installiing the platform, is possible to directly import the provided library (the .ALL Library provided) following this instructions:
- Open the ADoxx Development Enviroment
- Select the Import migration assistant button
- Select Library import
- Import the desired library inside the development environment
- Import the demo models inside the modelling environment
In this section our approach is presented.
X-IoT (read as cross-IoT) is a novel model-driven approach that uses a high level of abstraction to realise Cross-Platform IoT applications, solving the issues caused by adopting different IoT platforms.
Our approach introduces a Domain-Specific Modelling Language (DSML) which development is guided by the Agile Modelling Method Engineering (AMME) approach.
More information is available in the wiki.