
Basic hadoop 3 configuration and image for docker

Primary LanguageShell

Hadoop 3.1.1 simple docker cluster

How to run

  1. Download hadoop-3.1.1.tar.gz (https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hadoop/common/hadoop-3.1.1/hadoop-3.1.1.tar.gz)
  2. Put it to the project root folder
  3. Build image: docker build -t proteinby/hadoop-3 .
  4. Create docker network for cluster: docker network create --driver=bridge hadoop
  5. Run start.sh
  6. Get into hadoop-master: docker exec -it hadoop-master bash
  7. Run start-hadoop.sh there
  8. Run run-wordcount.sh to run Word Count job


  • This cluster consists of one master node and two slaves
  • You can add more slaves. You only need to updated start.sh and stop.sh and add new slaves to the config/workers file
  • This setup uses ssh to run slave daemons
  • You might have to change resource configs. Current config uses 4 cores and 4 Gb RAM

Web UI

If you want to see web UI you have to add hadoop-master, hadoop-slaveN IPs to your /etc/hosts file. Then you can go to:

  • http://hadoop-master:9870 HDFS Web UI
  • http://hadoop-master:8088 YARN Web UI
  • http://hadoop-master:19888 MapReduce JobHistory Web UI