
A real time chat application implemented using Node.js and socket.io, front-end built in ReactJs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A real time chat application implemented using Node.js and socket.io, front-end built in ReactJs.


This is a basic chatting application which lets the user create a room, other people can join the same room and starting messaging. The server is setup through node.js and real time updation is done through socket connetion between client and server sides, this is done through socket.io Library. The front end is implements in ReactJs, basic concepts like components, hooks, react router, etc. are used.

#to run locally

  1. in your terminal run - git clone https://github.com/PS1242/chat-app.git
  2. cd into client and server folders and run npm install separately for both.
  3. run npm start for both client and server folders.
  4. access localhost:3000 on your browser.

#Join Room


#Room Created


#Let other people join the same room, start chatting !
