StudyBin is a Project to simplify the procedure of organizing and managing school notes. As a student at a German "Gymnasium" I'm used to taking a lot of notes for many school subjects by hand (the use of computers during lessons is not allowed yet). I often rewrite these notes with a text program at home in order to have quick access to them but with increasing file numbers, things get a lot more difficult and it's easy to lose overview. StudyBin is here to fix this issue: It should provide an easy to use interface running on a self-hosted (Node?) application (one user per one StudyBin installation).
StudyBin should make it easy to...
- organize your school notes
- connect your school notes:
- Education sections
- combination of relevant notes (e.g. "StudyBin, show me all notes in music-lesson since the last exam on ...")
- create/digitize new notes:
- File upload (Photo, Text-Files, PDF)
- Built-In Texteditor
- get access to notes:
- online synchronization
- offline edit
Contributions and ideas are welcome!