
Computer Graphics Assignment

Implemented using OpenGL and GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit). It involves controlling a spaceship to avoid asteroids, collect power-ups, and reach the space station to win the game.


Have GLUT on your system. For debian based linux systems:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

To compile:

cd lumina_odyssey\src
g++ main.cpp -lglut -lGLU -lGL




  • Movement: Arrow keys (↑, ↓, ←, →)
  • Restart: Press F1 to restart the game

Gameplay Image


  1. initAsteroids(int numAsteroids)

    • Functionality: Initializes asteroids for the game.
    • Parameters: numAsteroids - Number of asteroids to be initialized.
    • Details: Randomly generates asteroids with varying sizes and speeds within the game window.
  2. checkCollision(float x1, float y1, float size1, float x2, float y2, float size2)

    • Functionality: Checks collision between two objects.
    • Parameters: x1, y1, size1 - Position and size of the first object. x2, y2, size2 - Position and size of the second object.
    • Details: Utilized primarily to check collision between objects of different types (e.g., spaceship and asteroids).
  3. checkAsteroidCollision()

    • Functionality: Handles collision between asteroids.
    • Details: Iterates through the vector of asteroids and checks for collisions between any two asteroids, adjusting their velocities accordingly.
  4. spawnPowerUp()

    • Functionality: Spawns a power-up.
    • Details: Randomly spawns a power-up within the game window, updating its position and spawn time.
  5. handlePowerUp()

    • Functionality: Handles power-up effects and durations.
    • Details: Manages the effects of power-ups (e.g., health boost, immunity) and their durations.
  6. resetGameForNextLevel()

    • Functionality: Resets game parameters for the next level.
    • Details: Resets ship position, asteroid count, and other game parameters in preparation for the next level.
  7. checkLevelTransition()

    • Functionality: Manages level transitions.
    • Details: Controls level transitions based on elapsed time or specific conditions (e.g., reaching the space station).
  8. renderHealthBar()

    • Functionality: Renders the health bar.
    • Details: Draws the health bar on the screen to visualize the player's health status.
  9. renderMiniMap()

    • Functionality: Renders the mini-map.
    • Details: Displays a mini-map showing the spaceship's position and, if applicable, the space station's position.
  10. keyboard(int key, int x, int y)

    • Functionality: Handles keyboard input.
    • Details: Processes keyboard input for controlling the spaceship and initiating game restart.
  11. display()

    • Functionality: Displays the game screen.
    • Details: Main function responsible for rendering game elements, updating their positions, checking collisions, and managing game states.
  12. main(int argc, char argv)**

    • Functionality: Main function.
    • Details: Initializes GLUT, sets up the game window, sets event callbacks, and enters the main event processing loop.