
: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), publicPath: '/', filename: "[name].js", sourceMapFilename: "[name]" }


STYLE RULES: -single quotes -2 spaces -semicolons -MILOS SAYS: branch names start with capital letters!!!!

Git Feature Submission Process

Initial Setup

  1. Create Organization and Repository (DONE)

  2. Initialize Master & Dev Branches (DONE) -Master is ONLY for production! -use dev branch for development

  3. Clone repo into your machine and move into Development branch

    • git checkout Development (it already exists, so no '-b', just moving to it)
  4. As development changes, merge new updates -git checkout Development -git pull origin Development (pulls updates in Development that others may have made, do this BEFORE merging your feature) -git checkout [your-name/new-feature] -resolve conflicts as needed

Repeat Actions (Making new Feature, merging with Development) 5. Create new branches off dev to build new features - git checkout -b [your name/new feature]

  1. Make updates and commit your branch -git commit -m [comments] -this won't affect Development branch yet -git checkout Development -git pull origin Development (pulls updates into Development that others may have made, do this BEFORE merging your feature) -git merge [new-feature]

  2. Push updates to repo

    • git add .
    • git commit -m "something not in chinese" -git push origin Development
  3. Submit pull request (feature --> Development) -navigate to your feature branch -click "pull request" button

  4. Review Pull Request -REVIEW WITH TEAM FIRST!! -click 'merge' button to approve

  5. When feature is fully approved/ready, publish to master -repeat step 7 but to main (Development --> main)

Useful Git Commands Create a new branch: git branch Create a new branch & check it out: git checkout -b checkout branch: git checkout while on the feature branch for setting upstreaming and committing: git push --set-upstream origin

git clone --branch