
Control ldap users access to usb devices

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

License Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status



The goal of the usbwall project is to support dynamic USB device filtering depending on a per-user centralized authorized device list. When a user log in, a custom PAM module will alert a daemon, that will get back the list of the authorized devices from LDAP.


  • libusb
  • libldap
  • libpam

See INSTALL file for more information on dependencies installation.

Build the project

A bootstrap script has been made to help you build the project. You can simply start the build with ./bootstrap && make -j. To build the project in debugging mode, just add the DEBUG parameter to the bootstrap script.

The output binaries are located in the out directory.


Daemon configuration

The project use a configuration file, using a syntax similar to usual ldap.conf files. The configuration file must be named usbwall.cfg and located in the /etc folder.

A sample configuration file is described in this package. Report to this file in order to configure properly usbwall.

PAM configuration

The libpam_usbwall library also need to be configured to be used by PAM. To do this simply move the generated library to the pam modules folder. Example :

mv [path/to/usbwall]/out/libpam_usbwall.so /usr/lib/security/pam_usbwall.so

Finally, you need to configure PAM to load the module. To do that, simply modified the corresponding pam configuration file in /etc/pam.d/ and add this line :

session optional pam_usbwall.so debug
  • optional means that if the module fails, the user is not disconnected from the host.
  • replace pam_usbwall.so by the name of the module you moved in the modules folder.
  • debug is an optional argument that specify if the debug mode is activated or not.


Arthur d'Avray (arthur.davray@epita.fr) Mathilde Beylier (mathilde.beylier@epita.fr) Sylvain Leroy (sylvain@unmondelibre.fr) Damien Pradier (damien.pradier@epita.fr)

This project was also inspired from the previous libpam-devid project made by Philippe Thierry (phil@reseau-libre.net).