Building Docker image

$ ./ 

Running container

$ docker run -it --name=ur_erc --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1"
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --volume="/dev:/dev" --privileged ur3_erc

Enable X server host:

$ xhost +local:root

or if you're concerned about security:

$ xhost +local:`docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' ur_erc`

Then, you can run command in running container:

$ docker exec -it ur_erc /bin/bash

Now you can run commands below in docker container.

UR3 simulation with MoveIt! and gripper

Simulation in Gazebo:

$ roslaunch ur_gazebo ur3_erc_workcell.launch 

MoveIt! Planner:

$ roslaunch ur3_moveit_config ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true limited:=true


$ roslaunch ur3_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

Change in Displays bookmark Global Options/Fixed Frame to 'base_link'.

UR3 simulation with MoveIt! joystick teleop

Simulation in Gazebo:

$ roslaunch ur_gazebo ur3_erc_workcell.launch

MoveIt! Planner:

$ roslaunch ur3_moveit_config ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true limited:=true

Joystick control:

$ roslaunch ur3_moveit_config joystick_control.launch 


$ roslaunch ur3_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

In MotionPlanning/Planning bookmark enable Allow External Comm..

Joystick Command Mappings

Command PS3 Controller Xbox Controller Arctic Controller
+-x/y left analog stick left analog stick left analog stick
+-z L2/R2 LT/RT L2/R2
+-yaw L1/R1 LB/RB L1/R1
+-roll left/right left/right left/right
+-pitch up/down up/down up/down
change planning group select/start Y/A 9/10
change end effector triangle/cross back/start 1/3
plan square X 4
execute circle B 2

Gripper with real robot

Launch ROS Driver for UR3

$ roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur3_bringup.launch robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP>

Run gripper node:

$ rosrun ur_rg2_gripper

Now you can run one of predefined commands:

$ rostopic pub /gripper/command std_msgs/String 'close'
$ rostopic pub /gripper/command std_msgs/String 'open'
$ rostopic pub /gripper/command std_msgs/String 'semi_close'
$ rostopic pub /gripper/command std_msgs/String 'semi_open'