
MicroMouse Robot Project, can search a 10’ x 10’ maze on the floor and find the fastest path from the start in one corner of the maze to the center.

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MicroMouse Robot Project

Authors: Ruixin Yan , Tianyu Liu, Pan Yang

MicroMouse is an autonomous robot that can search a 10’ x 10’ maze on the floor and find the fastest path from the start in one corner of the maze to the center.

This project was developed on the second generation of MicroMouse hardware(based on LM3S615) from Tianjin Qicheng Co,Ltd.

MicroMouse_Left MicroMouse_Top

1. License

This project is released under a GPLv3 license. And We strongly urge everyone to open up their MicroMouse project and enrich the entire MicroMouse community.

2. Issue

In this project, there is still a bug that is not well solved. It is the code part of the detection of the infrared acquisition signal in the underlying code.

3. Award

In November 2017, we won the first prize of the 6th Tianjin University College Students MicroMouse Competitionin, and won the first place in the top ten MicroMouse competition again in the maze that was changed on site. MicroMouse_Award

And we got an invitation from the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) MicroMouse Contest, but due to school funding problems, we finally failed to make it.