
Discord bot that will connect with NASA's API's to get the latest news, pictures, and updates with space.

API Keys and Credentials Setup


To get started with this bot you will need to get a NASA API Token. Once you signup you should get an email with your API Key. Also the webpage should display your API Key at the top once you submit your information. Save this key for later.

Discord API

Next you will need to create your own Discord Application Key using the developer portal. Sign into you discord account and create a new bot.

Discord JS has a great tutorial on how to create a bot and add it to your server. Once you get your client key, save that for later as well.

Discord Server

Once you have the API keys all setup, you will need a discord server. You can create a test server or add the bot to an existing server.

Channel ID

Once the bot is in the server you will need to create a specific channel you want the bot to post in, or have it use an exisisting channel. Once you have your channel decided, right click the channel and select Copy ID and save this for later.

Project Install & Setup