
Raspberrry Pi powered smart mirror inspired by HackerHouseYT Smart Mirror project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Version 1.0.0


Raspberrry Pi powered smart mirror inspired by HackerHouseYT Smart Mirror project

Displays News, Google Calendar Feed, Current Weather, 5 Day Weather Forecast, Time, Location, and Date.

TO-DO: Make Fullscreen

Installation and Updating

Download by pressing green button in repo or

If you have git installed you can clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/jRosenthal11/SmartMirror.git

Google Calendar Usage

In order to take advantage of the Google Calendar API you will need to go through the setup. I have not figured out how to incorporate and easy API key to the program.

  1. Start here this is the quick start guide to get you running
  2. Click the Wizard Link and Create a project
  3. Create Credentials on API & services page
  4. Download the .json files
  5. Rename service account key file to client_secret.json

Once you have those all setup return back to the Python Quicksart

Follow along until step 4. Once the web browser opens asking for permission to access your account it worked! A command prompt window will also appear showing your events.

Install Your Dependencies

Currently working on quickstart.py and requirements.txt

Install pip prior to this step

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install python-imaging-tk

Important: Add your API Token

Create a text file and name it API_Key.txt and put your API Token from DarkSky in it. Then place the text file inside the project folder.

sudo apt-get install vim or sudo apt-get install nano. You can use nano or vim to edit the file

sudo nano Mirror.py
vim Mirror.py

Open up the project and change the path of the file_object to

file_object = open("API_KEY.txt")

IF You get a Json error remove file_object=open() line as well as file_object.close() and change weather_api_key to weather_api_key="" insert your API key in the quotation marks

Running the Software

To run the application navigate to the project folder and run the following command

python3 Mirror.py
