
You can use this repo as a template for OAuth authentication using Axum and Google OAuth.

The underling database used is SQLite using SQLx, see branch the mongodb for a MongoDB version.

Minijinja is also used as the HTML template system. Moreover, a deployment example with GitHub Actions is provided.

Live Demo

A live demo of this template is available at:


Conventional setup

  • Get an OAuth Client ID and key at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials, setup http://localhost:3011/oauth_return as an authorised redirect URI.

  • Create file named .env at the root of the repository (same folder as the README.md), containing:

  • If you don't have Rust installed, see https://rustup.rs.

  • Create the database: cargo install sqlx-cli && sqlx database create && sqlx migrate run.

  • Deploy with cargo run --release, then just browse your website at http://localhost:3011.

Setup with Docker Compose

  • Get an OAuth Client ID and key at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials, setup http://localhost:3011/oauth_return as an authorised redirect URI.

  • Create file named .env at the root of the repository (same folder as the README.md), containing:

  • Build your OCI (Docker image) with docker build -t ghcr.io/randommm/rust-axum-with-google-oauth ..

  • Deploy with docker-compose up, then just browse your website at http://localhost:3011.

Setup with Docker (but without Docker Compose)

  • Get an OAuth Client ID and key at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials, setup http://localhost:3011/oauth_return as an authorised redirect URI.

  • Build your OCI (Docker image) with docker build -t ghcr.io/randommm/rust-axum-with-google-oauth ..

  • Deploy with docker run --env DATABASE_URI="postgres://db/db.postgres3" --env GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your_google_oauth_id --env GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your_google_oauth_secret --rm -p 3011:3011 -v db:db ghcr.io/randommm/rust-axum-with-google-oauth, then just browse your website at http://localhost:3011.

Optional extra: production deploy with Nginx

You can additional deploy on Nginx by adding the following to its configuration file (generally located at /etc/nginx/sites-available/default):

  server {
        server_name youdomainname.com;
        listen 80;
        location / {
              proxy_set_header        Host $host;

Additionally, you can obtain an SSL certificate by running certbot --nginx

Optional extra: automate deploy Github Actions

Generate a new token (classic) at https://github.com/settings/tokens/new with read:packages permission. Login to the GH Docker registry at your server with docker login ghcr.io.

Now, place docker-compose.yml on your server along with the .env and edit the docker-compose.yml, change:

  container_name: rust-axum-with-google-oauth
      context: .


  container_name: rust-axum-with-google-oauth
  image:  ghcr.io/put_your_github_username_here/rust-axum-with-google-oauth

Finally, edit your crontab (crontab -e) to auto check, pull and deploy changes every 5 minutes:

  */5 * * * * cd /folder_where_docker-compose.yml_is_located/ && /usr/bin/docker-compose pull && /usr/bin/docker-compose up -d