- Android and Ios firebase push notifications
- Mobile Native Scrolling mimiced to be IOS
- Web Socket Client Networking
- Url States
- Camera Restrictions
- Buttons
- Input text with Placeholder and NativeText implementation for ios and android.
- Easy Asset creation
- Custom Scaling Engine with setting Object Headers (No streching or black bars)
Add the library to your project.xml
<haxelib name="app" />
And use haxelib
to install it:
Github Version
haxelib git app
Haxelib Version
haxelib install app
Main.hx File
import core.*;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
class Main extends Sprite
public function new()
//set width and height
new App(640,480);
App.state = new Menu();
//creates a tcp socket on Native/Neko and WebSocket on html5, boolean controls if the same message can be sent again. = new Network("",200,false);
//array of Integer colors to be used throughout the App, defualt is a blue, yellow and green for ThinQbator.
App.colorArray = [0,16777215];
//toggle full screen, can Also use openfl.Lib.application.window.fullscreen = true;
//UrlArray sub directories to the html5 page used to direct to States. Contact me if you would like to use this, It also needs code on every State and is not extremly automated yet.
//App.urlArray = ["Menu",Menu];
class Menu extends State
public function new()
- Create more Widgets and get feedback.
- optimization
- Demo Projects