Haxe to Go Compiler
Why GoLang
- Great Performance vs GC Balance
- Great Solid Tooling
- Faster compilation then CPP
- Truly cross platform (win, lin, bsd, wasm, avr, ++)
- Bunch of backend libraries
- Together with go2hx, we could work with both together.
Why Haxe+Golang > Golang (in other words - why haxe!=0 even in presence of Golang)
- Real generics (Array methods)
- String interpolation
- Everything is an expression
- Static extensions
- Real Dynamics (when needed)
- Pattern Matching
- We all know EcmaScript (torough JavaScript).
- Slim client side code sharing (vs gopher/wasm).
Based on ideas (and code) from luaxe
Almost like Javascript, Plus some static typing/structs for simple objects to speed it up forther gozilla
Using vendor folder, as a hack to bypass folangs per pc software repos
discussion links
(how to make the haxe compiler emit a separate type for each generic post])https://community.haxe.org/t/how-to-make-the-haxe-compiler-emit-a-separate-type-for-each-generic/3889)
- ClassMaker class (could be modified later for other languages , nim, pascal)
- inheritance
- boot.go increment and decrement.
- boot.go for basic functions (trace) [ ] implement sys
- Dynamic
- Json
Language elements
- try/catch
- change to reflaxe
- gettype function support generics
- clean up GoPrinter.hx
Currently I am working on it only early morning, and late nights (usualy after going over the manual process of converting a project from rich haxe to poor golang), I wish I could work on it more time, if you wish too you may consider a pull request or sponsor some time. paypal donate