Activity Recognition system based on Multisensor data fusion (AReM)

The model will be used in predicting the activity performed by the user from time-series generated by a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), according to the EvAAL competition technical

  • Dataset Used The dataset contains temporal data from a Wireless Sensor Network worn by an actor performing the activities: bending, cycling, lying down, sitting, standing, walking. Attribute Information:

For each sequence, data is provided in comma separated value (csv) format.

  • Input data: Input RSS streams are provided in files named datasetID.csv, where ID is the progressive numeric sequence ID for each repetition of the activity performed. In each file, each row corresponds to a time step measurement (in temporal order) and contains the following information: avg_rss12, var_rss12, avg_rss13, var_rss13, avg_rss23, var_rss23 where avg and var are the mean and variance values over 250 ms of data, respectively.

dataset info and link -

model deployed on aws server