Moving from sequence of scripts to pipeline of functions
1.First step of this project we create three individual scripts:
- 01_load_data.R
- 02_model.R
- 02_plot.R
2.Second step, we automate slightly the scripts execution using source() function:
2.1 Saving all three scripts in a dedicated folder called R 2.2 Using source() function to run all three scripts Example for the first script source(here("R","01_load_data.R")) dataset
3.Third, create a markdown report including all outputs from the above three scripts Then we render markdown document when sourcing "report.R" script this report.R script combines three individual scripts: rmarkdown::render()
In the original report R script called "report.R" we have added this lines:
- Run this script pressing "source" button
3.1 Source individual R scripts from R folder to create content for markdown report library(tidyverse) library(here) source(here("R","01_load_data.R")) dataset source(here("R","02_model.R")) fit source(here("R","03_plot.R")) hist
3.2 Now adding the render() function below we can automate the cretion of a Markdown report
- rendered Rmarkdown report as HTML output
- Generate an HTML report as final output of this "report.R" script Added line below to render this script in markdown. It is a new Markdown report combining above scripts
- rmarkdown::render("report.Rmd", "html_document")
4.Refactor previous scripts to use in {targets} package Build a pipeline of functions in Targets to creaete and automate our report