
Setting up a Raspberry Pi cluster

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This project will include all the materials used in the 19th January 2022 Webinar for the NHS-R Community

Designing a Shiny dashboard using a Raspberry Pi cluster

  • This presentation describes the steps required to setup a Raspberry Pi cluster and preparations needed to turn it into a Shiny Server

In the NHS-R Community Webinar on Wednesday 19th, the presentation will cover these four topics:

  1. Different ways of connecting remotely to the Raspberry Pi
  2. How to setup a Raspberry pi cluster,
  3. Generate a SSH key on Windows to log into each Raspberry Pi's in the Cluster
  4. Briefly description of the process to create a Shiny server (following R Studio Community blog posts)
  • Online resources used to build the presentation

1.Generate SSH Keys on Windows and copy them to your Raspberry Pi cluster https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-ssh-keys/

2.Setting up your own shiny-server / rstudio-server on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ https://community.rstudio.com/t/setting-up-your-own-shiny-server-rstudio-server-on-a-raspberry-pi-3b/18982

This is the main blog post that details the steps required to setup a Shiny server on a Raspberry pi.

RStudio Community

1.Main website that inspired this experiment

For this experimental project I followed the post below from Andres Castro Socolich from the R studio community https://community.rstudio.com/t/setting-up-your-own-shiny-server-rstudio-server-on-a-raspberry-pi-3b/18982

Preparing the Raspberry Pi

  1. Install Raspbian OS
  2. Set a static IP for our raspberry pi
  3. Setting up the Server 3.1 We will use an HTML server, he uses Nginx 3.2 Install Nginx
  4. Then we need a sql server for storing and manipulating our data 4.1 Install PostgreSQL it is open-source 4.2 Configure postgresql to accept local and remote connections 4.3 Restart postgresql service
  5. Install the latest version of R from source
  6. Install Shiny-Server
  7. Configure Shiny-Server
  8. Install R Studio from source
  9. Extra steps
  10. Make pretty URLs for Shiny and Rstudio Server
  11. To access you shiny app from anywehere over the internet, create a static public IP

This is an experimental project to test how it would be posible to run a Shiny app 24/7 from a Server setup in a Raspberry Pi cluster, an inexpensive way of designing a Shiny web app that people can access over the internet.

All the credits and original ideas goes to the original developers of the different resources I have used to put together the required materials for this project.

Online reesources used to researh about Raspberry pi clusters for the presentation

2.NHSR blogs and website NHS-R Blogs. Designing my first shiny dashboard https://nhsrcommunity.com/blog/designing-my-first-shiny-dashboard/

3.Internet websites and Youtube videos on how to setup Raspberry pi clusters

3.1 Tinkernut.How To Make A Cluster Computer (Part 1, Part 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R0UgIgcb5g&t=4s

3.2 Network Chuck. I build a Raspberry Pi super computer https://youtu.be/X9fSMGkjtug

4.Last update: Installing R ans R Studio on a Raspberry pi:

  • Please read file "R_and_R_studio_Raspberrypi.txt" added on 23/01/2022 for a detailed explanation on how to install both R and R Studio on a Raspberry pi (or any Debian distro)
  • Details in "R_and_R_studio_Raspberrypi.txt" file.