
Cine project example - Modulo9 - Desarrollo de aplicaciones con Ruby on Rails - OTEC AIEP.

Primary LanguageRuby

Cine example project

This project name is called Cine, a full project with nested resources, devise, testing, active storage, nested routes, collections boxes, forms, checkboxes, custom defise routes, sanitizers, user allow, etc.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version: >= 2.7.2

  • System dependencies: gem devise

  • Configuration: create a project, create models, create controllers, config devise, testing nested resources one to many, many to many, testing, minitest, etc.

  • Database creation: sqlite3

  • Database initialization: gem sqlite3

  • How to run the test suite: rails test

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.): Nothing

  • Deployment instructions: rails s

NOTA: Para ir a las ramas correspondientes tienes que ir a los branches, son 5 en total.
