
Django + Stripe Made Easy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Sponsor dj-stripe

Stripe Models for Django.


dj-stripe implements all of the Stripe models, for Django. Set up your webhook endpoint and start receiving model updates. You will then have a copy of all the Stripe models available in Django models, as soon as they are updated!

The full documentation is available on Read the Docs.


  • Stripe Core
  • Stripe Billing
  • Stripe Cards (JS v2) and Sources (JS v3)
  • Payment Methods and Payment Intents (SCA support)
  • Support for multiple accounts and API keys
  • Stripe Connect (partial support)
  • Tested with Stripe API 2020-08-27 (see API versions)


  • Django 2.2+
  • Python 3.6+
  • PostgreSQL engine (recommended) 9.5+
  • MySQL engine: MariaDB 10.2+ or MySQL 5.7+
  • SQLite: Not recommended in production. Version 3.26+ required.


Install dj-stripe with pip:

pip install dj-stripe

Or with Poetry (recommended):

poetry add dj-stripe

Add djstripe to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add to urls.py:

path("stripe/", include("djstripe.urls", namespace="djstripe")),

Tell Stripe about the webhook (Stripe webhook docs can be found here) using the full URL of your endpoint from the urls.py step above (e.g. https://example.com/stripe/webhook).

Add your Stripe keys and other settings:

STRIPE_LIVE_SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("STRIPE_LIVE_SECRET_KEY", "<live secret key>")
STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY", "<test secret key>")
STRIPE_LIVE_MODE = False  # Change to True in production
DJSTRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET = "whsec_xxx"  # Get it from the section in the Stripe dashboard where you added the webhook endpoint
DJSTRIPE_USE_NATIVE_JSONFIELD = True  # We recommend setting to True for new installations
DJSTRIPE_FOREIGN_KEY_TO_FIELD = "id"  # Set to `"id"` for all new 2.4+ installations

Add some payment plans via the Stripe.com dashboard.

Run the commands:

python manage.py migrate

python manage.py djstripe_sync_models

See https://dj-stripe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/stripe_elements_js.html for notes about usage of the Stripe Elements frontend JS library.

Running the Tests

Assuming the tests are run against PostgreSQL:

createdb djstripe


See release notes on Read the Docs.

Funding this project

Stripe Logo

You can now become a sponsor to dj-stripe with GitHub Sponsors.

We've been bringing dj-stripe to the world for over 7 years and are excited to be able to start dedicating some real resources to the project.

Your sponsorship helps us keep a team of maintainers actively working to improve dj-stripe and ensure it stays up-to-date with the latest Stripe changes. If you're using dj-stripe in a commercial capacity and have the ability to start a sponsorship, we'd greatly appreciate the contribution.

All contributions through GitHub sponsors flow into our Open Collective, which holds our funds and keeps an open ledger on how donations are spent.

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