
Gympass is a project focused on recreating the Gympass data flow, where the relationship between gyms and users is addressed. This project was built on top of the SOLID principle

Primary LanguageTypeScript


🤔 About the project

Gympass is a project focused on recreating the Gympass data flow, where the relationship between gyms and users is addressed. This project was built on top of the SOLID principle

🧪 Technologies used

Node TypeScript

🔥 How to run the project

Clone the project and access the project folder.

$ git clone git@github.com:PabloFerrari013/gympass.git
$ cd gimpass

Add the .env file, and add the environment variables:

# Application port (default 3333)

# Application state (default development)

# JSON web token secret

# Database URL

To start it, follow the steps below:

# Install as dependencies
$ yarn 

# Start the project
yarn dev

Server is running in port 3333 🚀🔥