
This is a poor man's solution to my lack of memory. They are just CSV files that I then format with the column command in bash.


Add to your .bashrc the following lines:

alias fs="column -ts ';' -W 2 -W 3 ~/linux_cheatsheets/filesystem.csv"
alias commands="column -ts ';' -W 2 ~/linux_cheatsheets/commands.csv"
alias wildcards="column -ts ';' -W 2 ~/linux_cheatsheets/wildcards.csv"
alias octal="column -ts ';' -W 2 -W 3 ~/linux_cheatsheets/octal.csv"

With this you can type fs, commands or wildcards at any point in the shell and the selected cheatsheet will display in a nice format.


  • Actually remove the filesystem cheatsheet in favor of a program (for example fs_help /usr/bin would explain what the directory /usr/bin/ is about). This is the rich man's solution.
  • Revise the text_command.csv with examples instead of being so abstract. Use ch27 of TLCM to do this.