3DS FS Tester

A program for testing 3DS FS service. It can be also used as a archive explorer and for managing save data.


This program is designed for a CIA build, so that it can manage a private save data and extsave for test, and so that it has priviledge to access save data of system and other programs. Building as 3dsx is also possible, but I haven't tried yet.

To build this program, you need: DevKitPro with the latest git version ctrulib (to build the ELF), and makerom from Project_CTR (to build the CIA). Set DEVKITARM and MAKEROM in the environment. Then run make.


Upper screen: general message and prompt.

Lower screen: logs of service function call.

When exploring the archive (by pressing A at the main menu), one can press START and input a command (via software keyboard) to call FS functions. Current available commands are:

  • c p<path> a<attributes> s<size> calls CreateFile;
  • cd p<path> a<attributes> calls CreateDirectory;
  • d p<path> calls DeleteFile;
  • dd p<path> calls DeleteDirectory;
  • dr p<path> calls DeleteDirectoryRecursively;
  • o p<path> a<attributes> f<flags> calls OpenFile, and go to the file operation page;
  • od p<path> calls OpenDirectory (and CloseDirectory if necessary).

Options in these commands are optional. <path> is a string without space. <attributes> and <size> are raw u32 values, <flags> is a character sequence composed by r(read), w(write) and/or c(create).

Here are some example:

cd p/a_folder
c p/a_folder/a_file s0x100
o p/a_folder/a_file a0 frw
dr p/a_folder

On the file operation page, you can also input these command:

  • r s<size> o<offset> calls Read
  • w o<offset> q<option> d<hex-string-data> calls Write
  • ss s<size> calls SetSize
  • gs calls GetSize

<size>, <offset> and <option> are raw u32 values. <hex-string-data> represents a byta array (e.g. "123456" represents array {0x12, 0x34, 0x56})