
free flutter templates 2021 download In this article, you will finally find your BFF's. And by BFF I mean the Best Free Flutter Templates, of course.Enjoy it and write in the comments which ones you liked the most.

Personally, my favorite is the Tip Calculator Template!

  1. Restaurant App UI KIT Flutter template app

Restaurant App UI KIT Flutter template app

I like to read reviews before going to a restaurant, or read the menu in advance. This is a very useful feature in modern reality, because you will definitely never make a mistake. This kit can be used to create applications faster to save your time. There is nothing unnecessary in this template, the code is completely clean. The template is easy to customize, you can change the objects as you require. Also, the template is created in a dark and light style, which has become the most relevant recently among all applications.

  1. Swiggy Restaurant APP UI Kit template app

Restaurant App UI KIT Flutter template app

Another useful app that brings restaurants closer to consumers. When the Cavid-19 pandemic began, the titans of the delivery services stood up to protect psychological health and the national economy. So this Flutter template can also be your savior, with it you will save time, because you won't have to create everything from scratch.

There are more than 20 screens in this set that you can easily customize as you want. A clean code and a detailed description will allow you to understand the structure of this template, even if you don’t have any knowledge in the field of coding.

  1. Flutter Folio – mobile (ios, android), desktop (windows, macos, linux), web template app

Flutter Folio – mobile(ios, android), desktop (windows, macos, linux), web template

This is not just a template, it is a template for getting experience in working with Flutter. If you are a beginner Flutter developer or designer, then this will be a great opportunity to try Flutter as a tool. This application works for all operating systems and it is very easy to install, so that any user can handle it. You can train yourself in creating a website, fill your hand, and then send the link to your friends or family.

  1. Gif Finder Using GIPHY API template app

Gif Finder Using GIPHY API template app

Gif is a bitmap format for graphic images. Gif finder is a convenient way to search for images. Sometimes ordinary emojis are not enough to express your emotions, and then GIFs come for help. This format for transmitting emotions, humor, or just cute pictures with cats has become so popular that now with this template, you can put the search for GIFs in your own messenger.

  1. Flutter Travel App Concept 

Flutter Travel App Concept

This template is appropriate for any operating system, therefore, using this template is as easy as booking a hotel room. But we remind you that to work with Flutter templates, you need some knowledge in the field of programming. In order to use this template properly, you need to have a good understanding of Dart.

  1. Flutter Task Planner App Design

Flutter Task Planner App Design

After long holidays or just some failures, it is always difficult to start active work. There are several motivational theories to beat procrastination, but I believe that the most effective solution is the user-friendly Task Planner App.

With this app, it’s possible to view, schedule and manage tasks as well as see projects that are being worked on. The nice color palette of this design perfectly copes with its task-it pleases the eye, but does not distract from the really important things.

Be careful, this is only a design. No backend.

  1. Flutter eBook App

Flutter eBook App

Useful reading (reading good books) expands a person's horizons, enriches his inner world, makes him smarter and has a positive effect on memory. Reading books increases a person's vocabulary, contributes to the development of clearer thinking, which allows you to formulate and express thoughts more lucidly. It also has a great effect on the sense of humor, which in the modern world is put on a par with the ability to communicate.

So, that's why, applications for reading books are most relevant in today's reading society. Apps like Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, or Bookmate have been on the market for a long time and show excellent results. This template is in no way less than the book giants.

Everything brilliant is quite simple. Like this template. There is nothing superfluous in the interface. Books are downloaded from public domain sources. Users of the app can read online or download books to use the app, for example, in flight. The app also has a dark mode to make it easier to read at night.

  1. Flutter Tip Calculator App Source Code

Flutter Tip Calculator App Source Code

If you often go to restaurants with friends, then you are probably tired of the frequent calculation of tips for a general check. It is for this case that the tip calculator template was developed. Very simple, fast, and most importantly convenient.

  1. FlutterFoodybite

Flutter representation of a Restaurant app UI

For gastronomic aesthetes, an application template for finding restaurants and cafes has been developed. Using the function of division into categories, you can easily find something that will suit your taste. Bon Appetit!

  1. FlutterFurnitureAppUI

Flutter Furniture App Concept

There is such a science as ergonomics – this is the science of convenience, about the organization of the working space for a comfortable and effective work of the employee, based on the physical and psychological characteristics of the human body. In today's world of freelancing and distance learning, ergonomics is becoming a part of everyone's life. After all, it is very important that your workspace meets all the requirements of this science.

Therefore, not only the furniture should be comfortable, but also the application for its purchase. This template is made extremely comfortable. With a little knowledge of the Dart language, you can easily customize this template and make a quality product for your consumer.

  1. FlutterGrocery-ShoppingAppUI

Grocery Shopping App

Grocery stores have long migrated to the web. Instead of hauling heavy bags home, it's much easier to order a delivery. And also just don't create the app yourself from scratch, but use a template. Moreover, the author of this template reports that only a couple of fingers are needed for successful use.

  1. Flutter login kit

Flutter Login Kit

Sometimes one finished piece of work can make life much easier. So I recommend you take a closer look at this login template. In a ready-made application, the login is the first thing the user sees, so you can't make a mistake here. Trust the professionals and ready-made solutions to your problems!



This application is perfect for everyone who does not sit on the neck of their parents, and earns honest work. The built-in calendar lets you schedule events, set reminders, and make you more efficient day-to-day. If you are concerned about the issue of procrastination in the world, and you want to create your own convenient application for tracking tasks, then this is your choice!



News doesn't stay fresh for long.That is why you need an app that will keep the whole world in the center of events. Whether it's sports news, politics, or just a forecast of an impending storm. In today's world, it is important to be one step ahead. And with this template, you will be one step ahead of your competitors! After all, while they are developing their app, your app is already working for you!

  1.  Flutter-movies-app

Flutter Movies App

What movie should I watch tonight? It's not on Netflix, and it's not on HBO. So everything will be in your own streaming service!

  1. E-commerce-Complete-Flutter-UI

E-Commerce Complate App

Probably everyone has ever thought of creating their own brand or clothing store, so that they no longer spend hours looking for the perfect pair of trousers in the shopping center. But not many people succeeded. But if you are one of those lucky ones, then you probably need a stylish and user-friendly e-commerce app. I strongly recommend that you use this template to start active sales as soon as possible!

  1. Flutter_ecommerce_app

E-Commerce app

Another awesome, free and very beautiful template for an ecommerce app. Bright colors are perfectly complemented by a white background, on which any thing will look even more attractive.

  1. E-commerce-App-UI-Flutter

E-commerce App - Flutter UI

Everyone can sell products, but not everyone can do it nicely! This template is made quite original. Here everything is taken into account so as to show the product at the right angle. The main feature of this template is that the background of each product favorably emphasizes the color and texture of the product itself.

  1. Flutter-firebase-shopping-app


This is the most versatile template for e-commerce. With this template, you can sell anything from club T-shirts to car parts. The concise design does not distract  with flashy colors or pictures from the products, so that the customer can easily navigate in the app. This template is for those who know what they need!

  1. Flutter-Blog-App

Blog App Development Front-End and Back-End

Green in psychology today means growth, development, prosperity, stability, new beginnings. Therefore, it is perfectly suitable for the design of a blog application. Learn new things, live long and prosper.


Watermaniac - Flutter template

screen water maniac

As I said, this article will be updated with new templates. And here are a couple of new products especially for you. This template consists of Dart, as we are all made of water. And with this template, you will not forget to drink the right amount of water while you are developing your applications. If you, like me, care about the health of everyone around you and you want to be a useful person for society, then feel free to download and launch your water counting application!

Analog Clock Light & Dark Theme

Time flies so fast that you can't keep track of it. But this template will help you make this process more stylish! Check it out!