TaskApp website. Project made by Pablo Peñalver Guzmán.

The websiste is made for tracking your daily tasks. It contains a sign in / sign up and a home view where your tasks are created, stored and, if you want, modified.

Technologies used in the project

Vue, Tailwind, Supabase


Daily tasks

-18/AGO/2022 to 21/AGO/2022: Rewatch all the videos + read documentation to prepare myself for the project.

-21/AGO/2022: Sign up + /auth path tailwind

-22/AGO/2022: End signup/signin and logout

-23/AGO/2022: Fix day 22/AGO/2022 errors + tasks project structuring

-24/AGO/2022: NewTask, TaskItem + task buttons

-25/AGO/2022: Edit function fix