
Maps stored in QVD formats for QuickMap Qlikview extension and Qlik Sense.

QVD Map Library 

A library containing map data from Brazilian States and Counties stored as QVD files for use with:
- QuickMap Qlikview Extension.https://github.com/brianwmunz/QuickMap-QV11
- Sense Map Object


Offer to everyone the opportunity to easily create geo analysis in your Qlikview applications with a map extension.
No more scatter charts using Google static API.

USING THE Apps and QVDs.

MapViz.qvw contains a sample app demonstrating how to load the qvds and how to setup the extension for poligons or points.
MapViz Sense Pais.qvf contains a sample app with Brazil map by states.
MapViz Sense MG.qvf   contains a sample app with Minas Gerais State map by Counties.

QVD-Maps folder contain Map files for Qlikview Extension.
QVD-Maps Sense folder contain Map files for Qlik Sense.
Datasets Folder contain support data to build de sample apps.


The QVDs are offered as is. Feedbacks are welcome.