
GSoC 2022 - Liquid Galaxy | LG-SPACE-CHESS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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This is only a brief description and installation guide.
Full project documentation here!


A Newspace related visualization project in collaboration with Hydra-Space.
The basic idea is to use the Liquid Galaxy cluster as a visualizer of a world chess game that will happen with people around the world and through satellite communications, a world's first !!!

Two teams, the Earth (🌎)(you) and the Space (🛰️) (a strong AI)
Every day the Earth makes one move (at least), the most common move among you all, so play as a community and not as an individual.

Once the Earth has made the move, wait for the Space. The satellite may take a while to make its move, so you may not see it in hours, be patient.

✏️ Requirements

  1. Make sure the Liquid Galaxy core is installed. Check out the git hub repository
  2. Make sure Node.js version 16 is installed on the master machine by running:
node -v
  • The output should look something like v16.*.*, at least you need version v14.*.*, if this is not the case it may not work, if not, try upgrading to version 16.
  1. Install pm2 on the master machine. Run command:
sudo npm i -g pm2
  1. Make sure Chromium Browser is installed on all machines.

🖥️ Installation & Launch

Install Space Chess

  • Open a new terminal and go to the '~' (default) directory with the command:
cd ~
  • clone the repository in the current directory (default directory on the terminal) of the master machine with the command:
git clone https://github.com/PabloSanchi/SpaceChessScreens
  • Go to the new folder (GitHub repository) and execute the installation script. Use the following commands (you will have to restart your computer after the installation is done):
cd SpaceChessScreens
bash install.sh
  • Now execute the following command:

    • ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -R 80:localhost:8120 nokey@localhost.run
    • You must enter yes when asked Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  • Ask the owners for the .env file, otherwise the connection throughout the IP wont work.


Launch Space Chess

You must be in the repository directory, Your terminal must look something like this: SpaceChessScreens $

Option 1

  • Execute the launch script, by doing the following:
bash open-chess.sh

Option 2 (If option 1 does not work)

  • Execute the auxiliary launch script, by doing the following:
bash open-chess-aux.sh NUMSCREEN

NOTE: NUMSCREEN is the number of screens that your cluster has. The default value is 5

🆘 Troubleshooting

[1.0] Installation errors
[2.0] Launch errors
[3.0] Connecting issues
[4.0] Shh tunnel not working


[1.0] If something went wrong during the installation, the main cause is that you do not satisfy the requirements. Please make sure to check the requirement area.

[2.0] If you are experiencing some errors while executing the open-chess.sh script, kill it and restart it.

  • Stop the server
    • Kill all related running terminals
  • bash kill-chess.sh
    • You must be in the SpaceChessScreens folder
  • bash open-chess.sh
    • You must be in the SpaceChessScreens folder

[3.0] If you cannot connect using the rig modal on the web, renember to ask the owners for the .env file

[4.0] If the ssh tunnel is not working then swith to ngrok tunnel. Add a b next to the launch script

bash open-chess.sh b


bash open-chess-aux.sh NUMSCREEN b

When using ngrok, you must access to the link before connecting, otherwise you wont be able to connect. To access the link, you can enter in your web browser


That will show you the url you must access to. Copy it, and enter it in a new browser tab. You may need to accept some Chrome's warning and then hit the blue button that says visit site, after that you will be able to connect to the screen using the web controller by entering the MACHINE_IP

MACHINE_IP is the IP of the master screen.

Keyboard Controls (test only)

  • ZOOM: w & s keyboard keys
  • AXIS Movement: a & d keyboard keys

Web Controller (test only)

Type on your browser the following url

  • MASTERIP:port/controller


📺 Final view (3 Screen example)