
Low level and completely custom documentation websites using Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Low level documentation websites using Next.js

@pablosz/guild-docs package

To initialize a guild-docs package, you can use npx:

npx @pablosz/guild-docs init
$ npx @pablosz/guild-docs init

Configuration files added!
Dependencies added!

Now you can install dependencies: "pnpm i", "yarn" or "npm i"; and then run the ___"dev"___ script, either "pnpm dev", "yarn dev" or "npm run dev"

🎉 Now you can install dependencies and run the "dev" script, and you are set to go!

How it works


By default the "init" command creates a "docs" folder, where you can use MDX and create any file or folder structure.


The MDX implementation we use has a single inconvenience/tradeoff, which is that it's NOT possible to use imports inside the MDX files. Here you can read a short description of the reason why this happens.

But you can define Custom Components to be used inside the MDX in the app.tsx file, using the included helper "ExtendComponents" function:

Already added in the default _app.tsx file

You can also use next/dynamic to lazy load components:

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const SomeHeavyComponent = dynamic(() => import('./SomeHeavyComponent'));

import { ExtendComponents } from '@pablosz/guild-docs-client';

// ...
  HelloWorld() {
    return <p>Hello World!</p>;
// ...

And then use them in your files:

# Hello World

<HelloWorld />

Routes / Navigation

By default, in initialization, a routes.ts file is created as it follows:

IRoutes is a recursive object type designed to make and customize the routes, with a special GenerateRoutes helper function that reads from a folder pattern(s) (using minimatch patterns) with globby.

import { IRoutes, GenerateRoutes } from '@pablosz/guild-docs-server';

export function getRoutes(): IRoutes {
  const Routes: IRoutes = {
    _: {
      index: {
        $name: 'Home',
        $routes: [['index', 'Home Page']],
    folderPattern: 'docs',
    basePath: 'docs',
    basePathLabel: 'Documentation',
    labels: {
      index: 'Docs',

  return Routes;

In this example, the base routes has a route that goes to the "/" path, with the label "Home Page".


And the GenerateRoutes function is used to get all the "docs" folder, using a basePath "/docs" with a label "Documentation" in the navigation, and the labels that are useful for setting the expected labels in every step, where you can use the syntax foo.bar.baz to set the labels in deep paths.


This project is using pnpm workspaces

Make sure to install pnpm: https://pnpm.io/installation

And simply install the dependencies:

pnpm i