
Generate fisheye camera images from cubemap renders

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Alt text

Python notebooks and scripts to generate fisheye camera images from cubemap renders, using numpy and OpenCV.


Here is a brief description of the different scripts included:

  • FisheyeCubemap.ipynb: given a field of view fov and folder image_path of rendered faces of the cube, maps the cubemap to a sphere and generates a fisheye image. It also undistorts the generated fisheye image to get the correspondent perspective version if the FoV is lower than 180º.

  • Cube2Sphere.ipynb: compare different cube-sphere mappings.

  • Projections.ipynb: includes plots for some quantities for the classical fisheye projections.

  • Polynomial.ipynb: compare different root-finding polynomial algorithms for obtaining the angle.

  • undistort.py: use OpenCV to undistort a fisheye image, indicating the camera parameters.

  • blending.py: overlap and blend two images for comparison.

In the folder Source there are other functions defined related to geometric transformations in geometry.py and camera theory in camera.py.


To run the above scripts, the following python packages are required:

  • numpy

  • matplotlib

  • opencv