
Primary LanguageShell


Here are the dotfiles I use for my personal system.

Repository structure

In this repo you can find my dotfiles as if the repo root is ~ in my personal system, except for the (not yet here) bin folder.

bin folder

The bin folder is a folder with three simple scripts and two txt file:

  • deploy.sh: Deploy the dotfiles in this repo to the system.
  • pull.sh: Pull the dotfiles of the system in this repo.
  • install.sh : Install packages from packages.txt.
  • tracked_files.txt : Files to deploy or pull.
  • packages.txt : Packages to install.

IMPORTANT: The script support both files or directories, but only will respect the full path of the dotfile if the path starts with "~/".

Usage of scripts

To use this scripts first you need to move inside bin folder:

cd bin

Give permissions to scripts:

chmod +x *.sh

Then you execute one of the scripts. For the two first scripts, before changing anything in your system or the dotfiles in the repo you need to confirm the action as the (your system or this repo) dotfiles will be overwrited.






Tracked files

  • nvidia_optimus : personal script to exec arguments under nvidia card - for nvidia hybrid systems.
  • atom-packages : txt file with the atom packages i used in Atom (just in case i return to Atom).
  • .zshrc : configuration file for zsh.
  • .vimrc : configuration file for Vim.
  • .config/i3/* : configuration files for i3.
  • .config/polybar/* : configuration files for polybar.
  • .config/picom/picom.conf : configuration file for picom.
  • .config/kitty/kitty.conf : configuration file for kitty.
  • .config/rofi/* : configuration files for rofi.

System Information

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • WM: i3
  • Theme: Arc-Dark
  • Icons: Papirus-Dark
  • Terminal: kitty
  • Terminal Font: Roboto Mono
  • Compositor: Picom