
S2.2. E-commerce

Primary LanguageCSS

Sprint 2.2 IT Academy | E-commerce Shop


A company in the e-commerce sector has asked us for a web application that allows them to offer the purchase of their products through the internet.

You will be in charge of setting up an initial demo version of the application for the client: management of the shopping cart and the application of the promotions on the final price. You have 2 weeks to finish, which is how long this sprint lasts.


  1. Clone this repo
$ https://github.com/PacMM79/Sprint-2.2.git


You have the following indications from the frontend manager:

  • You have prepared the base of the project on which you will work: https://github.com/IT-Academy-BCN/starter-code-frontend-shop

  • The base of the project on which you will work has already created all the files, and an initial version of the interface, so you can focus on programming the logic.

  • As at the moment we don't consume data from a server using an API, we will work with hardcoded data in the application. For the moment we will implement the logic using a small group of 9 products divided in 3 sections.

  • Except for the last level, showing the result of the functions by console is enough.

  • The logic to implement will be placed in the src/shop.js and src/checkout.js files. You will see that the built in functions have already been created for you to implement them.

  • It is forbidden to copy the code, since this way you don't learn anything. Furthermore, as you can see, the second release of sprint 5 is a mini-level test with the mentor, in which you will have to demonstrate live that you have acquired the javascript concepts. Don't worry, if you work on the releases you won't have any problems.



Technologies used

html5 css3 bootstrap javascript vscode