
Ajax library with promises and XHR2 support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

qwest 0.3.4

Qwest is a simple ajax library based on promises behaviour and that supports XmlHttpRequest2 special data like ArrayBuffer, Blob, Document and FormData.


        // Runned when the request is successful
        // Process error message
        // Always runned

The method is either get or post. There's no put or delete support because the XmlHttpRequest object does not support data sending with those methods.

The data parameter is an object that list data to send.

The available options are :

  • type : either XHR2 supported types, text, html, json (by default), js or xml; used to have automatic parsing of the response and a valid Accept header
  • cache : true or false (default); used to disable browser caching
  • async : true (default) or false; used to make asynchronous or synchronous requests
  • user : the user to access to the URL, if needed
  • password : the password to access to the URL, if needed

The before option lets you specify a callback to modify the XHR object before the request occurs.


Send a simple GET request :


Send a synchronous POST request with data :

        // Make some useful actions

As seen, qwest methods are chainable and you can specify multiple success, error or complete callbacks :

        // Make some useful actions
        // And other actions
        // Log here
        // Maybe here
        // Or here
        // Finally, execute that

In each callback, the this keyword is the XmlHttpRequest object, so you can do some specific tasks you may need.

        // Blah blah blah
        throw message;

To apply some manual options to the XHR object, define a before callback :

        this.setRequestHeader('Accept-Encoding','gzip, deflate');
            // Upload in progress
        // Blah blah blah

Some notes

  • won't accept arrays or objects with different levels as data parameter, to define an array please set value's name to "foo[]" like in HTML
  • default "Content-Type" header is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" for basic data


MIT license everywhere!