Yellowfin tuna assessment review

Shiny apps

By the end of the review workshop, three Shiny apps had been released:

Description of stepwise changes (flags and data)


7-13 Sep 2022 Review workshop in Noumea

16 Dec 2021 Online meeting (14:00 on US West Coast, 17 Dec 9:00 in Noumea)

Review workshop agenda

Day Time Key activities
Wed 7 Sep 9:00-17:30 Overview of the 2020 input data and assessment, quick overview and discussion of potential review questions (including fisheries and selectivities, growth, natural mortality, and regional structure), decide on specific questions to focus on in the review report, consider appropriate structure of the review report
Thu 8 Sep 8:00-17:30 In-depth look at selected review questions, browse existing analyses and model runs that are related to those questions, formulate new model runs to address specific questions
Fri 9 Sep 8:00-17:30 In-depth look at selected review questions, browse existing analyses and model runs that are related to those questions, formulate new model runs to address specific questions
Mon 12 Sep 8:00-17:30 Synthesis of findings, revisit the structure of the review report, decide whether to cover additional review questions or continue analyses and explorations from previous days, discuss model development for 2023 assessment
Tue 13 Sep 8:00-17:30 Synthesis of findings, revisit the structure of the review report, decide whether to cover additional review questions or continue analyses and explorations from previous days, discuss model development for 2023 assessment

General Daily Plan

Time Activities
08:00-08:30 Recap and any overnight 'light bulb' moments, new model results
08:30-08:45 Revise goals/focus for today
08:45-10:00 Tackling issues/reviewing new analyses
10:00-10:30 (Morning tea)
10:30-12:30 Tackling issues/reviewing new analyses
12:30-13:30 (Lunch)
13:30-14:30 Tackling issues/reviewing new analyses
14:30-15:00 (Afternoon tea)
15:00-15:30 Plan for tomorrow/summarise any overnight work to do, model runs etc.
15:30-17:30 OFP staff set-up models, prepare other information requested by panel for next day






See the yft-review-analysis repository.


Comprehensive list of questions


Peer review reporting process