
My Nix/Hyprland dotfiles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steps For Reproduction

copy hardware-configuration.nix generated by nixos-generate-config (and replace my hardware-configuration.nix) because it contains information about mount points

nix run home-manager/master -- init --switch --flake ~/q install home-manager and point to the flake in this very directory (this flake serves both nixos's configuration and home manager's) you would probably have to rm .config/hypr beforehand

To reproduce: In flake.nix: set localnixpkgs to nixpkgs (to avoid using nonexistent local packages) change hostname, where the directory would be placed etc >> let settings = {}


Extra Configurations Needed

fcitx5-configtool to configure mozc and pinyin is required you'll also need to configure Thunar yourself And home-manager/config/gtk3.0 has my own locations, which may need changing qt5ct has to be run to configure: config files have permanant links kvantummanager has to be run to select qt5 theme vscode and vscodium's window -> title bar style needs to be set to custom, or else it crashes (needs NIXOS_OZONE_WL set to 0 to use xwayland to actually start the program)

Possible Extra Configurations

  • python uses packages (torch, pycuda, tensorflow) that has dependency cuda, so cuda-toolkit might be needed

Local Changes

I installed hyprprop using nix-env because it's not replicable (also pyfa) ripgrep localpkgs and localnixpkgs


  • Refractor neovim plugin placement
  • Separate my-filesystem-specific stuff like localnixpkgs
    • Provide separate flake config for other users
  • Backup /q/ and .mozilla
  • Pick and choose latex libraries: they're very large