
Missing hdf_50.h5 in charter 6

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Hi, recently I bought your book but chapter 6's examples are hard to follow step by step on Jupyter Notebook.

The examples only generated simpleclass_train_50.h5, but the model only has two keys. Don't know if it refers to the same file.
X_tr, X_vld, y_tr, y_vld, list_ch_train = get_tf_train_data(traindtfile)
this line of code says that it cannot find the object if I rename simpleclass_train_50.h5. And I am not sure what data I should use to add keywords to the .h5 file.

Hi Arjun,
I bought it from Apple Books a couple days ago. I think you could update the book versions in the app stores, or add some hints in the repositories. Thank you.

The book has been discontinued @williamtong0228