
Learn Ansible, Second Edition, published by Packt

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Learn Ansible

Book Name

This is the code repository for Learn Ansible, published by Packt.

Automate your cloud infrastructure, security configuration, and application deployment with Ansible

What is this book about?

Are you tired of manually deploying and managing your infrastructure and looking for ways to streamline your deployments, introduce consistency and collaboration, and save time? If so, then Learn Ansible is for you. Written by a DevOps practitioner and system administrator with 30+ years of experience, this book will teach you how to automate repetitive tasks and effortlessly manage several resources from a single code base. From installing Ansible and writing your first playbook to deploying multi-tier applications across different cloud platforms, this book will take you on an exciting learning journey. By learning the art of defining highly available cloud infrastructure using code, you’ll find it easy to distribute configurations alongside your application.

This book covers the following exciting features:

  • Understand how to install and configure Ansible on Linux, macOS, and Windows
  • Write Ansible playbooks to automate system configuration and deployment
  • Deploy applications such as LAMP stacks and WordPress using Ansible
  • Create reusable roles and use Ansible Galaxy for sharing
  • Automate infrastructure deployments on cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure
  • Execute your Ansible playbooks with GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps

If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!


Instructions and Navigations

All of the code is organized into folders. For example, Chapter02.

The commands will look like the following:

$ multipass launch -n ansiblevm --cloud-init cloud-init.yaml
$ multipass info ansiblevm
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook01.yml
$ multipass stop ansiblevm
$ multipass delete --purge ansiblevm

Following is what you need for this book: Learn Ansible is for system administrators, developers, and infrastructure engineers who want to implement infrastructure automation and configuration management using Ansible. The hands-on tutorials make this book ideal for both beginners as well as intermediate users looking to take their Ansible skills to the next level. Technology professionals working with public cloud platforms like AWS and Azure will also find valuable insights into automating deployments.

With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-17).

Software and Hardware List

Chapter Software required OS required
1-17 Ansible, Canonical Multipass, Oracle VirtualBox, Microsoft Azure & AWS Account Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (Any)

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Get to Know the Author

Russ McKendrick He is an experienced DevOps practitioner and system administrator passionate about automation and containers. He has been working in IT and related industries for the better part of 30 years. During his career, he has had responsibilities in many different sectors, including first-line, second-line, and senior support in client-facing and internal teams for small and large organizations. He works almost exclusively with Linux, using open-source systems and tools across dedicated hardware and virtual machines hosted in public and private clouds at Node4, where he holds the title of practice manager (SRE and DevOps). He had written several books on automation and infrastructure as code.