Mobile Deep Learning Projects, published by Packt
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aish0509Headout
- akunerio@akunerio
- Benjamim-EP
- BilgeeFreebit
- crcdng
- DiegoIvesXcelis
- elephantsofneptune
- glahiatorAssisted Surgical Technologies
- Hein-Arkar
- huzichunjohn
- imr555Neovotech
- jacobqplUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- JaeBinCHA7ISP Lab, Yonsei Univ.
- kaylani2
- maxkaoppp
- mubiinaliStudent at National College of Ireland
- noobArtInt
- OrrmjWSP Canada Inc.
- s-janibekova
- santiagoangelMéxico
- shilon5
- ShorelLee
- siewcodeMalaysia
- singhdivyankKhoury College of Computer Sciences
- ssreeramjTiger Analytics
- Stanimo
- steviehinesOriented Object Co.
- Tavorn
- tpanza
- tugrulaltunVienna
- vishal2developQuantiphi Analytics
- yousif-hag-ahmed
- YulioV
- zdotfive
- zhangxaochen