Note: this is brand spanking new, so please be nice :)
To build the world's most accessible and accurate resource for anyone using technology to address our climate emergency.
Please start a Discussion thread or join us on Slack and we can talk about the best ways you can help out.
We need:
- Content writers
- Data analysts
- Financial contribuors
- Business advisors for financial sustainability
- People who love making cool things with data
This project is built with Material for MKDocs - an advanced theme for the MKDocs static site generator.
If you are a beginner to git, GitHub, Python, Terminal commands, and these instructions are confusing or don't work, please file an Issue
Make sure you have Python and Pip installed by typing python3 --version
and pip --version
in your Terminal ("Command Prompt" for Windows Users).
If you don't have Python or Pip installed, use the Mac or Windows instructions below.
Run pip install mkdocs-material
Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory cd /climate-tech-handbook
Spin up the site by running mkdocs serve
Fork this repository, make some changes, then submit a Pull Request (instructions on how to do this if you are new to GitHub).
Join our Discussions and let's talk about your desired changes.
Install Homebrew if you don't already have it installed.
Install Python 3 by running brew install python3
in the terminal.
Then follow the remaining instructions above.
Note: this is untested, please file an Issue if you can't get it running and we'll troubleshoot with you.
Download and install Python from the official website.
Make sure to check the "Add Python to PATH" option during the installation process.
Follow the instructions above.