EPEP is an Application Framework for PaddlePaddle, to make everyone can easily learn and use. 目前已经被广泛应用在百度内部业务,显著提升单机CPU, 单机GPU, 多机多卡的模型迭代效率
Linux CentOS 6.3, Python 2.7, 获取PaddlePaddle v1.6.1版本以上, 请参考安装指南进行安装
这里以LR为例,用户只要写20行相关代码即可完成,全是业务模型相关,通过epep轻松一键CPU->GPU, GPU多卡,多机多卡(TODO with Easy-DL)
class LinearRegression(BaseDataset):
def __init__(self, flags):
super(LinearRegression, self).__init__(flags)
def parse_context(self, inputs):
set inputs_kv: please set key as the same as layer.data.name
If user defined "inputs key" is different from layer.data.name,
the frame will rewrite "inputs key" with layer.data.name
The param "inputs" will be passed to user defined nets class through
the nets class interface function : net(self, FLAGS, inputs),
inputs['x'] = fluid.layers.data(name="x", shape=[self._flags.input_size], dtype="float32")
inputs['y'] = fluid.layers.data(name="y", shape=[1], dtype="float32")
context = {"inputs": inputs}
#set debug list, print info during training
#debug_list = [key for key in inputs]
return context
#解析一行转成parse_context要求的格式, 框架组batch
def parse_oneline(self, line):
cols = line.strip("\t\n").split("\t")
#input_size is size of vector X, 1 is label.
label = [0]
if len(cols) >= self._flags.input_size + 1:
label = [float(cols[self._flags.input_size])]
input_list = [float(x) for x in cols[:self._flags.input_size]]
yield ("x", input_list),\
("y", label)
#也可以自己组batch, 配置reader_batch设置True
def parse_batch(self, data_gen):
for d in data_gen():
d = self.parse_oneline(d)
class LinearRegression(BaseNet):
def __init__(self, FLAGS):
super(LinearRegression, self).__init__(FLAGS)
def net(self, inputs):
linear regression interface
y_predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=inputs["x"], size=1, act=None)
cost = fluid.layers.square_error_cost(input=y_predict, label=inputs["y"])
avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
# debug output info during training
debug_output = collections.OrderedDict()
debug_output['y'] = inputs["y"]
debug_output['y_predict'] = y_predict
model_output = {}
net_output = {"debug_output": debug_output,
"model_output": model_output}
if self.is_training:
#optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=self._flags.base_lr)
#net_output['optimizer'] = optimizer
net_output["loss"] = avg_cost
model_output['feeded_var_names'] = ["x"]
model_output['fetch_targets'] = [y_predict]
return net_output
def train_format(self, result, global_step, epoch_id, batch_id):
def init_params(self, place):
def pred_format(self, result, **kwargs):
#如果模型需要自定义参数,只需要在配置文件直接加xxx就行,不需要代码里提前定义xxx, 就可以引用self._flags.xxxx
dataset_name: LinearRegression
#file_list prior to dataset_dir
file_list: ./test/linear_regression.data
dataset_dir: ../tmp/data/lr
#only read file match pattern in dataset_dir
file_pattern: part-
#Model settings,自定义实现的net类名
model_name: LinearRegression
base_lr: 0.01
max_number_of_steps: None
#Number of epochs from dataset source
num_epochs_input: 100
#The frequency with which logs are print
log_every_n_steps: 10
#The frequency with which the model is saved, in steps.
save_model_steps: 100
#默认是CPU,如果要GPU, 确保conv/var_sys.conf的cuda_lib_path配置
platform: local-gpu
sh run.sh -c conf/linear_regression/linear_regression.local.conf [-m train]
#for predict, init_pretrain_model prior to eval_dir, and can change the net by train saved
#init_pretrain_model: ../tmp/model/lr/save_model/checkpoint_final
#默认是CPU,如果要GPU, 确保conv/var_sys.conf的cuda_lib_path配置
platform: local-gpu
sh run.sh -c conf/linear_regression/linear_regression.local.conf -m predict
用户只要关注3个:conf/xxx/xxx.local.conf, datasets/xxx.py, nets/xxx.py, 保证路径位置是这样即可
新模型开发比较快的就是 cp这lr的3个文件到对应位置,然后重命名下再去修改对应的配置和代码即可。
Rank, NMT, ERNIE, 分类,匹配,序列标注,Attention,视觉等AI先进模型
分布式Easy-DL, Hadoop/Spark预测