Hi there 👋 I'm so glad that you are here :)

Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Padmakshi, a passionate Cloud & DevOps Engineer with a love for cooking!

🔭 I’m currently working on a DevOps projects to showcase my learnings.

🌱 I’m currently learning new DevOps tools & Technologies to stay ahead in the game.

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies in the DevOps space.

💬 Ask me about anything related to Cloud, DevOps, or technology in general! If you want to swap recipes, I'm all ears for that too!

🍳 Fun fact, I'm an avid cook and love experimenting with different cuisines in my kitchen.

Lets Connect

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Tech Stack

Linux Bash Git Jenkins Ansible AWS Docker Kubernetes Terraform

Programming Languages:

Python C Java