This token takes ETH to stake in the new CASPER Proof Of Stake consensus algorithm, as compensation the contract distributes STK which will grow in value based on the amount of time the token is held.
[Link to Frontend DApp source code]( Replace stakeAddress {StakeToken.sol #Line 12} with new staking address (Address of your main account)
Ensure you have ganache or ganache-cli running
- npm install
- truffle console --network development
- test
Ensure you have updated the mnemonic and infura token in truffle.js
- truffle console --network rinkbey
- migrate
To update the Smart Contract in the Stake token DApp
- Take the Smart Contract address output from the 'migrate' command
- Follow the instructions in the stake-token-frontend repo
- 0xb08deb79cfb7a79f0628b690803a8a40d5432b83