
The first project submission from ci student Patrick Meade

Primary LanguageHTML

CI logo


Tried my best but this was a disater defintly learned alot of what not to do and will be approching projects differently in the future. Spent weeks working on mock ups of my design to try and get top marks but got in over my head and to top it off lost all my work.

You can safely delete this README.md file, or change it for your own project. Please do read it at least once, though! It contains some important information about Codeanywhere and the extensions we use. Some of this information has been updated since the video content was created. The last update to this file was: August 30th, 2023

Codeanywhere Reminders

To run a frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript only) application in Codeanywhere, in the terminal, type:

python3 -m http.server

A button should appear to click: Open Preview or Open Browser.

To run a frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript only) application in Codeanywhere with no-cache, you can use this alias for python3 -m http.server.


To run a backend Python file, type python3 app.py, if your Python file is named app.py of course.

A button should appear to click: Open Preview or Open Browser.

In Codeanywhere you have superuser security privileges by default. Therefore you do not need to use the sudo (superuser do) command in the bash terminal in any of the lessons.

To log into the Heroku toolbelt CLI:

  1. Log in to your Heroku account and go to Account Settings in the menu under your avatar.
  2. Scroll down to the API Key and click Reveal
  3. Copy the key
  4. In Codeanywhere, from the terminal, run heroku_config
  5. Paste in your API key when asked

You can now use the heroku CLI program - try running heroku apps to confirm it works. This API key is unique and private to you so do not share it. If you accidentally make it public then you can create a new one with Regenerate API Key.

Happy coding!