
Win10 / Strawberry Perl / help system, debugging

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It was a bit complicated to install on Windows 10 but this was a big help:

However, to start with, many things including the help system (using F2) does not seem to work, it lists a lot of help topcis but they all show "No Help found". Also.. the debugger only has a "quit" button. It seems to be working by entering eg. an 's' command in that "Raw command" box

Before considering Padre under Win10 as still very difficult, I have to ask, is there something fundamental am I missing?


Padre has not seen any development for several years now, but some of the libraries underneath changes. So it is quite likely that many things will break. It needs some investment to make it work again. I just recently checked it on Linux, but I won't have much time to invest in it.

So no, probably you are not missing any fundamental, just need to adjust the expectations :-(