Yet another CHIP-8 emulator written in RUST programming language.
You can compile the source code by yourself using Rust compiler.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Cd into it.
cd chip8
Run cargo run command.
cargo run
Emulator should compile and start.
You could download released precompiled version of the emulator.
Then simply unarchive it and run it.
Note that it will work only on Linux-x86
I added some games and a programm to play around with into /assets directory.
If you want to add downloaded or self-made game or programm simply add a game file to /assets directory. Be shure tho the file has .ch8 extension, otherwise the emulator will ignore the file.
Feel free to contribute and to point out issuse with the emulator or my implementation of things.
Simply open an issue or submit a PR with explanation why you belive it should be done this way.