
Using neural networks for age and gender estimation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


We are currently building a VGG-16 convolutional neural network. It'll be trained for age and gender estimation. For better usage of the trained model a webserver and REST API will be built.


Just run the following in a shell

curl -fsSL https://gist.github.com/DZvO/00fd8a496050547c2f89cd634f47283e/raw/9d61d503cc5aaf995590dc83bb9afa7abe6bbdc6/install.sh | sudo bash -s

Then open https://localhost:5000/#


We're all interested in ai and neural networks and want to learn something about how to implement one. So we're happy that we could choose this as a project at our university, the FH Aachen.

Code style


Tech/framework used

Built with

Tensorflow and keras are used to build the neural network and to train it. Opencv is usesd to prepare the images. We are using Flask for setting up a simple REST API. Which handles the interaction with our frontend. Docker is used to simplify the delivery. Continous integration tool of our choice is drone ci.


We are happy when you're interested in our project. If you want to contribute read our contributing guideline.


Project structure inspired by this repo. Contribution guideline inspired by this one.


MIT license

MIT © Patrick Reckeweg Alexander Wiens Bram Wigger Christopher Kremkow Jonas Kau Katrin Hammacher Max Schmidt Ronny Aretz