
JavaScript Pageclip API client: pageclip.co

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the official node.js API client for Pageclip.


npm install --save pageclip

Basic usage:

const Pageclip = require('pageclip')
let pageclip = new Pageclip(yourAPIKey)

// Send an item up to Pageclip
pageclip.send({some: 'data'}).then((response) => {
  console.log(response.status, response.data) // => 200, [{payload: {...}}]
}).then(() => {
  // Fetch all items
  return pageclip.fetch()
}).then((response) => {
  console.log(response.status, response.data) // => 200, [{payload: {...}}]



Create a Pageclip Object.

  • apiKey (String) - found in the web interface of Pageclip. Note that apiKey must be the private API key. Your public siteKey will not work!
const Pageclip = require('pageclip')
let pageclip = new Pageclip('abc123ABC123abc123abc123abc12345')

Pageclip::send([formName], data)

Send data to Pageclip.

  • formName (String; optional; default: 'default') - form to which you want to attach data.
  • data (Object or Array) - data you want to send up. When Object it will treat it as a single Item. If Array, it will treat each entry as an Item.
  • Returns a Promise with Object payload
    • status (Integer) - HTTP status code
    • form (String) - form name
    • data (Array of Items) - Returns all items that were saved. See Items
    • errors (Array of Objects) - Will be present if status >= 400. See Errors
let pageclip, promise, data
pageclip = new Pageclip('abc123ABC123abc123abc123abc12345')

// Send one item
data = {some: 'data'}
promise = pageclip.send(data).then((response) => {
    response.status, // 200
    response.form, // 'default'
    response.data    // [Item({some: 'data'})]

// Send multiple items
data = [{some: 'data'}, {some: 'otherdata'}]
promise = pageclip.send(data).then((response) => {
    response.status, // 200
    response.form, // 'default'
    response.data    // [Item({some: 'data'}), Item({some: 'otherdata'})]

// Send one item to a named form
data = {email: 'john@omgunicorns.com'}
promise = pageclip.send('mailinglist', data).then((response) => {
    response.status, // 200
    response.form, // 'mailinglist'
    response.data    // [Item({email: 'john@omgunicorns.com'})]


Retrieve your data from Pageclip. At this time, it returns all items in the form—there is no pagination or slicing.

  • formName (String; optional; default: 'default') - form from which you want to fetch data.
  • Returns a Promise with Object payload
    • status (Integer) - HTTP status code
    • form (String) - form name
    • data (Array of Items) - All Items in the form. See Items
    • errors (Array of Objects) - Will be present if status >= 400. See Errors
let pageclip, promise
pageclip = new Pageclip('api_abc123ABC123abc123abc123abc12345')

// Fetch items from the default form
promise = pageclip.fetch().then((response) => {
    response.status, // 200
    response.form, // 'default'
    response.data    // [Item]

// Fetch items from a named form
promise = pageclip.fetch('mailinglist').then((response) => {
    response.status, // 200
    response.form, // 'mailinglist'
    response.data    // [Item, Item]


All Item objects returned by the API will have the following shape:

    itemEid: 'abc123ABC123abc123abc123abc12345',
    createdAt: '1983-06-29T14:48:00Z', // ISO date
    payload: {
      // the data from the user


API errors will return a response with an errors key that contains an Array of objects:

    errors: [{
      message: 'Name is required',
      property: 'name' // If the error is associated with a property
    }, ...]