
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Create a Benchmark with these 4 Steps

(1) Setup Experiments| (2) Run Experiments| (3) Visualize Experiments| (4) Run Experiments in Cluster

Launch Experiments on Cluster Visualize Experiments on Jupyter

Create end-to-end ML benchmarks with the following 4 steps

0 Install

pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/haven-ai/haven-ai

1. Setup Experiments

Create trainval.py file and add the following code,

import tqdm
import os

from haven import haven_examples as he
from haven import haven_wizard as hw

# 1. define the training and validation function
def trainval(exp_dict, savedir, args):
    exp_dict: dictionary defining the hyperparameters of the experiment
    savedir: the directory where the experiment will be saved
    args: arguments passed through the command line
    # 2. Create data loader and model 
    train_loader = he.get_loader(name=exp_dict['dataset'], split='train', 
    model = he.get_model(name=exp_dict['model'], exp_dict=exp_dict)

    # 3. load checkpoint
    chk_dict = hw.get_checkpoint(savedir)

    # 4. Add main loop
    for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(chk_dict['epoch'], 10), 
                           desc="Running Experiment"):
        # 5. train for one epoch
        train_dict = model.train_on_loader(train_loader, epoch=epoch)

        # 6. get and save metrics
        score_dict = {'epoch':epoch, 'acc': train_dict['train_acc'], 
        chk_dict['score_list'] += [score_dict]

    hw.save_checkpoint(savedir, score_list=chk_dict['score_list'])
    print('Experiment done\n')

# 7. create main
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 8. define a list of experiments
    exp_list = [{'dataset':'syn', 'model':'linear', 'lr':lr} 
                 for lr in [1e-3, 1e-4]]
    # 9. Launch experiments using magic command
    hw.run_wizard(func=trainval, exp_list=exp_list)

2. Run Experiments

Run the following command in terminal,

python trainval.py --reset 1 -v trainval_results.ipynb --savedir_base ../results

Optional arguments,

  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
                                    Define which exp groups to run. (default: None)
  -sb SAVEDIR_BASE, --savedir_base SAVEDIR_BASE
                                    Define the base directory where the experiments will be saved. (default: None)
  -d DATADIR, --datadir DATADIR     Define the dataset directory. (default: None)
  -r RESET, --reset RESET           Reset or resume the experiment. (default: 0)
  -ei EXP_ID, --exp_id EXP_ID       Run a specific experiment based on its id. (default: None)
  -j RUN_JOBS, --run_jobs RUN_JOBS  Run the experiments as jobs in the cluster. (default: 0)
  -nw NUM_WORKERS, --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                                    Specify the number of workers in the dataloader. (default: 0)
                                    Create a jupyter file to visualize the results. (default: )

3. Visualize Experiments

Step 2 creates trainval_results.ipynb, open the file on Jupyter to get tables and plots

You can launch Jupyter with,

jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix
jupyter notebook

4. Run Experiments in Cluster

If you have access to the ElementAI cluster api then you can run the experiments in cluster (slurm option coming soon),

python trainval.py --run_jobs 1 --reset 1


Codebase Structure Result Folder Structure
├── src/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── datasets.py
│   └── models.py
├── scripts/
│   └── train_on_single_image.py
├── exp_configs.py
├── README.md
└── trainval.py          # a copy of the code
├── experiment_1/
│   ├── code/            # a copy of the code
│   ├── images/          # qualitative results
│   ├── exp_dict.json    # defines the hyperparameters
│   ├── score_list.pkl   # list of scores saved each epoch
│   ├── model.pth        # saved model state
│   └── job_dict.json    # contains the job info

Papers based on Haven-AI


  • Haven is a library for building, managing and visualizing large-scale reproducible experiments. It helps developers establish a workflow that allows them to quickly prototype a reliable codebase. It also helps them easily scale that codebase to one that can run, manage, and visualize thousands of experiments seamlessly.

  • The library provides a wide range of functionality including best practices for defining experiments, checkpointing, visualizing and debugging experiments, and ensuring reproducible benchmarks.

  • This library could strongly boost productivity for building great products, winning machine learning competitions, and getting research papers published.

  • The only structure required is that each experiment has the following.

    • <savedir_base>/<exp_id>/exp_dict.json that defines a single set of hyperparamters as a python dict.
    • exp_id is the hash of that hyperparameter python dict.
    • <savedir_base>/<exp_id>/score_list.pkl that has a list of dicts where each dict contains metrics as keys with scores as their values.

Expected structure of a Havenized project

├── src/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── datasets.py
│   └── models.py
├── scripts/
│   ├── visualize_mnist.py
│   └── train_on_single_image.py
├── exp_configs.py
├── README.md
└── trainval.py


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